Horizontal and vertical transition

Horizontal Transition

In accordance with the "regulation on the principles of transition between Associate and undergraduate programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and interagency Credit Transfer", Students can apply for horizontal transfer before starting courses at the beginning of each semester.

Internal horizontal transfer: refers to the transfer of a student to other diploma programs at the same level within the higher education institution in which they are registered.

Undergraduate transfer: universities, colleges, vocational schools or foundations established by the Institute of technology at the same level without being tied to a university to another university or Institute of technology, refers to the transition to independent vocational school established by foundations.
For horizontal transfer between institutions, the student must have a GPA of at least 60 out of 100 for the semesters he / she has completed in the program in which he / she is enrolled.

Central placement with a score of horizontal transfer:(Appendix 1) in which the student is enrolled of the year where the central placement score is equal to or above the base score of the diploma program if you want to pass, the student may apply for transfer, including preparatory class. The application calendar for horizontal transfer to the program, the principles related to the student quota and the procedures and principles related to horizontal transfers are determined by the Executive Board of Higher Education. In accordance with the established procedures and principles, applications of students are evaluated by the relevant boards of higher education institutions and their horizontal transition is accepted. In cases where the application exceeds the quota, the horizontal transition of the candidate is accepted until the quota, starting from the highest candidate and ranking.

Vertical Transition
Examination and placement procedures related to the vertical transfer of successful students who have graduated from vocational schools and open Education associate degree programs are carried out by OSYM.