Graduate Education

Our students who have graduated from the recreation department can apply to their departments within the institutes affiliated to our university for graduate education. In accordance with the decisions taken by the institutes every year, the number and quality of students to be enrolled in graduate education is determined.
Our students who have graduated from our department can apply for the programs of the Department of recreation, the Department of Sports Management and the Department of Physical Education and sports and the Department of Coaching Education, which are located in the Institute of Social Sciences.
Application requirements of the relevant departments are announced every year in certain periods. Although the number and quality of students to be accepted varies according to the Institute and department, students who will apply are expected to meet certain levels of ales score requirement. Candidates who meet the ALES score requirement of the relevant institute or department must succeed in the science exam to be conducted by the department head. You can follow the announcements of the relevant departments at the links below. You can contact your academic advisors for further information.