Diploma Procedures

To Get The Diploma or Temporary Certificate of Graduation, Students Should Follow Next Procedures:

Those students who have been approved for graduation should receive the discharge certificate from their schools and pay the diploma fee. After providing Office of Student Affairs with the discharge certificate, bank receipt and a copy of identity card, the students can get their temporary certificate until their diplomas are ready.

Once the diplomas are ready, the original temporary certificate must be returned to the Office of Student Affairs. After that, the students can get their original diplomas.
If the students did not receive temporary certificate after graduation, they should prepare the discharge certificate and pay the diploma fee. After providing all required documents, they can get their diplomas from the Office of Student Affairs.  
Those Students Who Lost Their Diploma or Their Temporary Certificate of Graduation Need To:
Those students who lost their temporary Certificate of Graduation need to publish the lost advertisement in Turkish newspaper. After that, they should bring published announcement and their petition to the Office of Student Affairs.
Those students who lost their Diploma need to publish the lost advertisement in Turkish newspaper.  Then, they need to pay the diploma fee and apply to the Office of Student Affairs providing the newspaper announcement, the bank receipt and petition. These students will be given a new diploma only once. “The second copy” statement will be indicated on the diploma. 

Students can get their diploma or temporary certificate of graduation personally or through a person they notarized. (The authorized person needs to bring the notarization document and the original temporary certificate of graduation).
Graduate Students can get the original school diplomas by applying to their schools.